Het bestuur
Het bestuur van de Conam wordt gevormd door:

Willem Posthumus Meyjes
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Rekeningnummer: NL64 INGB 0001 7115 97 t.n.v. Conam
Inschrijving Kamer van Koophandel 40482134
Binnen Conam hebben we diverse leden met een bepaald specialisme. Hun namen en interesses staan hieronder. Wil je iets van hen weten dan kan de webmaster je met hen in contact brengen. Mail naar:Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
Many members of Conam are specialists in their field, their names and special interests are mentioned below. Would you like to contact them with a question, please mail the webmaster at: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
Fons Alkemade: Lesser-known French car makers up to 1931, Automobile Club de France, Charron, Donnet, Paris Salon, French automotive literature and magazines, Dutch automotive history (also social history), Dutch car makers and coachbuilders up to 1940 (especially Spyker and Simplex), automotive heritage (garages, factories, roads, etc.), wrecks
Rutger Booy: MG en provinciale kentekens
Ariejan Bos: Car history before World War 1. Identification of cars of the pre-WW1 era on old photographs worldwide. Research into subjects on cars and events of that era.
Hans Kloos: Post WW 2 Dutch history of the reconstruction of the mobility and infrastructure of roads and road assistance (Wegenwacht ANWB); Specialist in Appraising and valuing Vintage, Classic and Historic vehicles, covering all locations in the Netherlands; We have a wide range of experience (from the 60’s) with many makes and models and specialist in French and Italian classics and young timers; Insurance Valuations Appraising on Historic Commercial Vehicles, Passenger Service Vehicles and Pre-80 Motorcycles; FIVA ID Card application is also possible.
Jan van der Lit: Buggy’’s, Baja’s, Kitcars and home-builds
Koen Ongkiehong: Cadillac en Hessing, De Bilt
Marius Otto: Austin-Morris; British Leyland; MG-Rover
John Pronker: Mercedes-Benz; contactpersoon AHG (Automobil Historische Gesellschaft)
Mattie van der Valk: License plates
Jan Venema: Volvo
Henk Wagenaar Hummelinck: Autosport historie
Binnen Conam hebben we diverse leden met een bepaald specialisme. Hun namen en interesses staan hieronder. Wil je iets van hen weten dan kan de webmaster je met hen in contact brengen. Mail naar:

Fons Alkemade: Lesser-known French car makers up to 1931, Automobile Club de France, Charron, Donnet, Paris Salon, French automotive literature and magazines, Dutch automotive history (also social history), Dutch car makers and coachbuilders up to 1940 (especially Spyker and Simplex), automotive heritage (garages, factories, roads, etc.), wrecks
Rutger Booy: MG en provinciale kentekens
Ariejan Bos: Car history before World War 1. Identification of cars of the pre-WW1 era on old photographs worldwide. Research into subjects on cars and events of that era.
Hans Kloos: Post WW 2 Dutch history of the reconstruction of the mobility and infrastructure of roads and road assistance (Wegenwacht ANWB); Specialist in Appraising and valuing Vintage, Classic and Historic vehicles, covering all locations in the Netherlands; We have a wide range of experience (from the 60’s) with many makes and models and specialist in French and Italian classics and young timers; Insurance Valuations Appraising on Historic Commercial Vehicles, Passenger Service Vehicles and Pre-80 Motorcycles; FIVA ID Card application is also possible.
Jan van der Lit: Buggy’’s, Baja’s, Kitcars and home-builds
Koen Ongkiehong: Cadillac en Hessing, De Bilt
Marius Otto: Austin-Morris; British Leyland; MG-Rover
John Pronker: Mercedes-Benz; contactpersoon AHG (Automobil Historische Gesellschaft)
Mattie van der Valk: License plates
Jan Venema: Volvo
Henk Wagenaar Hummelinck: Autosport historie