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Contactgroep Auto- en Motorrijwiel Historie

Introduction to the Conam


Spijker 20hpConam is the society of automotive historians from the Netherlands. Founded in 1991 and active in historical research and promoting the interest and safeguarding of automotive heritage. Apart from daily contacts members meet four times each year to visit automotive collections and exchange information.

The society does produce a 3 monthly magazine 'Conam Bulletin' and its members are responsible for quite a number of publications on the automotive history of Holland - unfortunately all written in native Dutch.

This website gives info on typical Dutch subjects but also gives a nice display of recent photo discoveries by its members; some of these discoveries need further analysing.

There is also a section with information on all known names in the Dutch automotive industry, importers, body builders & assembly plants.

If you have any comments or contributions about Dutch automotive history do not hesitate to contact us through the Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.